Monday, December 28, 2009


When my Mom turned 50, 
she wanted a traditional Mexican outfit and all she wanted to do was dance all day. Perhaps throughout most of her adult life, she dreamed of being a folkloric dancer. So, she went out and bought the perfect outfit and shoes. We threw her a big party. She danced the entire day away. I loved that she was able to have that moment to check something off the list. She wanted to be someone else for one day and she was able to do that. Mom, you're a greatest dancer. 
Sigue celebrando!

1 comment:

  1. You have a beautiful mother and 'YAY" for her for doing what she really wanted to do on her birthday. I do all the exact things with my sons who are all grown.I tell them what teas to drink for certain ailments and I have a fridge full of what they like when they come home to visit and of course I have to make fresh tortillas. How wonderful that you appreciate everything your mom does for you.Keep on writing I surely enjoyed it.
